There are many musicians from all over the world who are looking for percussion courses in Cuba.
Our Blog
In this section we want you to get to know in detail everything related to the history of Cuban music, from its origins to the most recent artists.
Music courses in Cuba
It is true that we Cubans carry in the rhythm in their blood and this historical fact has been demonstrated by the great amount of artists and musical rhythms that our nation has given.
Studying music in Cuba is knowing their artists
There are many musicians around the world who find it difficult to decide where and how to further their studies.
The choir and its festival in Cuba
The choir, also known as music choir or vocal group, is the group of people in a musical group that sing simultaneously the same piece.
Study music in Cuba – A journey through all continents
To study music in Cuba is to make a tour of its origins. Before colonization, Aborigines had rudimentary but functional music instruments, from the Caribbean and Taino culture, such as mayohuacan a wooden drums;
A festival for the organ
When the French arrived in Cuba they did not imagine they were taking with them, one of the greatest musical traditions. –“A wooden crate that is producing music!”
The Cuban anthem and musical expression
Al combate corred, bayameses, que la patria os contempla orgullosa. No temáis una muerte gloriosa, que morir por la Patria es vivir. En cadenas vivir, es vivir en afrenta y oprobio sumido. Del clarín escuchad el sonido. ¡A las armas valientes corred! Since we are kids...
Music lessons in Cuba – A luxury opportunity
Those enjoying music lessons in Cuba say that us, Cuban people, carry the music in our blood. Those who have seen Cuba from abroad talk about the unique symphony that our cities represent each day.
Why go to Cuba to study music?
When we talk about Cuba, immediately it jumps to our mind his hospitable people, beaches, rum, tobacco… and music! This Caribbean country is imbued with the magic of its sounds, and is world famous for the quality of its musicians and the variety of rhythms that have...
Havana Music School – Learning Cuban music in the XXIst century
For centuries, the teaching of music has followed a classical model that requires a high level of commitment and time from the student before he or she can master a genre or instrument.
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