It is almost impossible to separate dance from Cuban music. Although the Cuban way of dancing is taught all over the world, there is no better place to learn it than in Havana.
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In this section we want you to get to know in detail everything related to the history of Cuban music, from its origins to the most recent artists.
Music lessons in Havana – A centenary teacher
Havana has been the best music school for numerous Cuban and other international musicians. In Havana Music School we give continuity to this statement, offering a combination of teaching with immersive musical experience.
Tropicana – A paradise under the stars
Founded in 1939, Tropicana has become more than a nightclub: it is a place of international fame for the Cuban music lovers and a theatrical show that remains until our times.
You cannot visit Havana without spending a night of delight in Tropicana.
Sara Gonzalez – The female voice of the “Nueva Trova”
Sara Gonzalez soon became the female voice of the “Nueva Trova” Movement. Her work as a singer-songwriter opened the way for many women who would recognize a teacher there.
Pablo Milanes – The romantic of the New Trova
Speaking of Cuban music in the twentieth century without referring to the Nueva Trova (New Trova) is almost sacrilegious. Talking of the Nueva Trova without mentioning Pablo Milanes and his songs, is a cardinal sin.
Female bands in Cuba: from D’Aida to Sexto Sentido
Little space we have if we are talking about female bands in Cuba who have cultivated Cuban music, or the importance that women have had in the history and development of the cultural heritage of our country.
Yusa – The ambassador of Cuban music in the new century
Yusa is recognized as one of the leading voices of Cuban music of the XXI century. Her compositions have earned the recognition of her contemporaries on the island and international admiration.
Telmary Diaz – The street poetess
An “anything goes” musical would be the ideal way to describe the work of Telmary Diaz. Known for its nickname “Telmary”, it is one of the most representative artist of the Cuban alternative music scene.
Yoruba Andabo – The roots of Afro-Cuban music
If we want to talk about the popular traditions of Cuban music, we have to talk about Yoruba Andabo. This musical group is an example of versatility and authenticity in the representation of Cuban musical diversity.
Los Zafiros – Four voices and a guitar is enough
The history of vocal quartets in Cuba would not be complete without the mention of Los Zafiros. With only four voices and the accompaniment of an electric guitar, this Cuban musical group from the 60’s and 70’s, succeeded not only in the island but also outside it.
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