Al hablar de música cubana uno de los nombres que no deja de mencionarse es el de Alexander Abreu.
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In this section we want you to get to know in detail everything related to the history of Cuban music, from its origins to the most recent artists.
Alexander Abreu – The king of the Cuban trumpet
If we talk about Cuban music, a name to be mentioned is Alexander Abreu.
Recognized as one of the best trumpet players of his time, this formidable Cuban musician is credited with about 130 songs and to have worked with a long list of artists of the highest international reputation.
Havana DPrimera
Cuando en 2008 el Cabaret Turquino, perteneciente al Hotel Habana Libre, exhibió la primera actuación de la orquesta Havana D’Primera, acababa de convertirse en parte de la historia de una agrupación primordial dentro la música bailable cubana.
Havana DPrimera
When in 2008 the Cabaret Turquino, belonging to the Hotel Habana Libre, exhibited the first performance of the orchestra Havana DPrimera, had just become part of the history of a primordial grouping in Cuban dance music.
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