Estudiar música en Cuba es hacer un recorrido por sus orígenes. Antes de la colonización, los aborígenes poseían instrumentos rudimentarios pero funcionales, procedentes de la cultura caribe y taína, como el mayohuacán, un tambores de madera;
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In this section we want you to get to know in detail everything related to the history of Cuban music, from its origins to the most recent artists.
Study music in Cuba – A journey through all continents
To study music in Cuba is to make a tour of its origins. Before colonization, Aborigines had rudimentary but functional music instruments, from the Caribbean and Taino culture, such as mayohuacan a wooden drums;
Do you dare to study Cuban music with us?
Few countries in the world can afford to have a musical heritage as rich as Cuba. To study Cuban music you must understand what a phenomenon with a number of factors, our island was fortunate to have.
How to study music in Cuba?
Study music in Cuba is not the same as studying music elsewhere in the world. This island has many recognized institutions…
Study music in Havana – A task of 24 hours
Havana is a city that has motivated a lot of musical compositions. The capital of Cuba has been the center of countless songs throughout the history of the island.
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