Bouquet is a rock band that was born in Cienfuegos in 2003. Led by Aivis Prieto and Pavel Cama, it has pioneered a unique rock style, a rock made in Cuba.
Our Blog
In this section we want you to get to know in detail everything related to the history of Cuban music, from its origins to the most recent artists.
X Alfonso – Star of the Cuban fusion
The large musical tradition of Cuba and the quality of their artists, like X Alfonso, imply that the present-day artists feel their ancestors like a great family. Of this musical family, the youngest virtuosos take what they take, but without ever forgetting to add...
Tracks – Play the next one
Let´s face it, a Tuesday night is not exactly the time when you expect to enjoy a live concert of a rock band. But what can we do?
Fabrica de Arte Cubano – Live the bohemian atmosphere
To find the Fabrica de Arte Cubano in Havana is simple. Shortly before the end of the Vedado and Playa next to the foot of the Iron Bridge…
Brief history of Cuban rock (final)
At the beginning of the new century with the recognition by the music company Adolfo Guzman of some rock bands as professionals…
Brief history of Cuban rock (Part 2)
Once the first opportunities arised to rocker bands in Cuba, the social scene in the island faced its greatest challenge: the disappearance of the Soviet Union and the socialist camp.
Brief history of Cuban rock (Part 1)
The 50s marks the birth and introduction of Cuban rock. In those years began to be exhibited in Cuba a group of American musical films about the genre…
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